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Aleppo: a New Provocation or Just Another War Crime?

Once Russia deployed its advanced air defense missile systems in Syria, as reported by the Daily Mail, Washington became uneasy about launching new provocations against Russia, like the one carried out by the US Air Force on...

Martin Berger

Failure to Accept Russia’s Position in Syria Inching US Closer to War

In recent weeks, officials of Western governments have engaged in a dramatic escalation of rhetoric condemning the Syrian and Russian governments for alleged war crimes that have occurred since the collapse of a UN-backed...

Nile Bowie

Mosul Offensive Reveals Larger Geopolitical Game Plan

Iraqi and Kurdish forces, backed by US-led airstrikes and British and French special forces, launched coordinated military operations early on Monday as the long-awaited fight to wrest the northern city of Mosul from...

Seth Ferris