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Syria: Theater of the Absurd Gets Crazier

Europe today is a powder keg, and the leaders are like men smoking in an arsenal … A single spark will set off an explosion that will consume us all … Otto von Bismarck, Congress of Berlin, 1878. Just when you think the loons have...

Jim Dean

EU Politicians are Convinced that Tanks are the Best Remedy for Social Disparity

Following in the wake of White House policy, European political elites have been stepping up their groundless rhetoric about the growing military threat of Russia, Iran, China, which is held up simply to achieve the further...

Jean Perier

Yemen’s Seventh Truce: Turning Tragedy Into Farce

With six previous attempts to observe truce having already failed to mitigate the intensity of the crisis, the US brokered seventh truce has yet again—and unsurprisingly---failed to end the fighting in Yemen where the death toll...

Salman Rafi Sheikh