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China is Building a Navy to Displace, Not Defeat the US in Asia

In many ways, China's socioeconomic and military influence in Asia has already balanced a long-lopsided equation of geopolitical power in the region. The social and economic stability brought by the rise of China along with...

Joseph Thomas

DPRK Fighting Against Bureaucracy and Corruption

On December 23, 2016 at the opening of the First Conference of Chairpersons of the Primary Committees, the Chairman of the WPK Kim Jong-un delivered a speech, in which the author of this article has noted several important points...

Konstantin Asmolov

Can the Big Three Emerge Under Trump?

Even before Donald Trump got inaugurated, his position on the US foreign policy was attracting widespread attention since it has much bearing on other countries. Judging by the amount of attention paid by various analysts, one can...

Grete Mautner