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On the Fate of Thae Yong-ho

We have already written about the defection of Deputy Ambassador to London, who together with his family resided in the UK for about 10 years and was engaged in propaganda, ranking second after the Ambassador. KCNA declared him a crook and demoralizer, who, since he...

Konstantin Asmolov

Trump Trials and Tribulations

Donald Trump is triumphant and enjoying the spoils of our latest American political war, the ability to sign executive orders where each of the last several presidents has done more of than his predecessors. I will bet that Trump breaks Obama’s record if he gets eight years in office...

Jim Dean

The Trump-Media Circus and Continuity of Agenda

As the US media expertly divides the American public into pro and anti-Trump camps over cartoonish, unfounded personal accusations aimed at President-elect Donald Trump, Trump's nominee for US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson...

Ulson Gunnar