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New Adventures of "North Korean Hackers"

Against the backdrop of the scandalous stories about Russian hackers, the author returns to the topic of North Korean hackers seeing as the body evidence for charges in both cases is characterized by quasi arguments. The story...

Konstantin Asmolov

News Pooper Scooper: When Fake News is Just Dog Doo

Vladimir Putin has armies of admirers, and armies of detractors too. Predictably, every time one of his detractors slips on a banana peeling, the Daily Beast fake news evangelists foam at the mouth at another chance at fetching...

Phil Butler

China is Facing Challenges in 2017

2017 will be the year that sees the onset of radical changes in the world order and they will be comprehensive. In one way or another they will affect the domestic and foreign policy, as well as economic development strategies of...

Vladimir Terehov