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Trump's First 100 Days in Office: Is This the Beginning of the End?

Today, on April 29, one may celebrate Trump's hundred days in office, if somebody is still in the mood for celebration after what we've seen so far. It's true that the hundred-day marker is never an absolutely reliable indicator...

Jean Perier

Saudi Reforms and the Future of Mohammed bin Salman

On April 22, as was already customary in the era of King Salman and his son, Prince Mohammed, a series of royal decrees were unexpectedly adopted and immediately published. The essence of these decrees is twofold: on the one hand...

Maxim Egorov

Terrorism and Realities: ETA is Dead But Does Anybody Care?

We've all heard about "Muslim terror attacks" in European countries, and all the countries which are supposed to be sponsoring terrorism. We are even being told there is an end result to all this terrorism - ISIS has established...

Seth Ferris