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Iran Ups the Ante in Syria: What’s the Message?

After the US shot down a second Iran made armed drone on Syria and a Syrian jet in a separate case in last two weeks, Iran responded with a direct missile strike on an ISIS command centre in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzor...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Saudi Arabia: What's Really Behind Trump's Hypocrisy?

US President Donald Trump's support came in no small part from those Americans who believe terrorism, and more specifically, "Islamic" terrorism pose an existential threat to the United States and the wider Western World. It...

Ulson Gunnar

Narendra Modi Visits the US

On June 26 of this year, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi arrived in Washington on a working visit, during which he held talks with the new US President Donald Trump that culminated in the signing of a Joint Statement. This noteworthy event fits into a series of events that have...

Vladimir Terehov