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Yemen: KSA’s Deadly War That Sees No End

With third year into it, Saudi Arabia’s Yemen campaign is far from over, let alone leave an impact on the ground. This said, still if the House of Saud’s campaign has done anything, it is mostly...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

ISIS May be Beaten, But it's Not Out of the Door Yet

Recently, we've been witnessing a great number of American and Middle Eastern politicians making their best to produce an impression on the general public that the ongoing struggle against ISIS is nearing its end. To confirm this...

Valery Kulikov

Trump Sets Oceania Alight

With the coming to power of the new US president Donald Trump, the tiny countries of Oceania, which have always been in dire need of additional funding, have made attempts to find out how far his pre-election slogan "Let's make America great again!" will extend. Specifically, whether America...

Sofia Pale