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Globalist Counterpunch: Going for the Media Knockout

The UK government is all set to sledgehammer free speech in unison with the US deep state. News from The Guardian foretells of social media platforms being labeled “publishers” rather than information platforms, a move that will...

Phil Butler

America's Predictable Betrayal of the Iran Deal

America's withdrawal from the "Iran deal" doesn't prove that Iran is a threat to world peace and stability - instead - it proves that America cannot be trusted.  In a recent public statement, US President Donald Trump announced...

Tony Cartalucci

OSCE’S Minsk Group: Often Flippant Agenda and New American Co-Chair

The OSCE Minsk Group has a new American co-chair. Andrew Schofer will serve as the OSCE Minsk Group’s new US co-chair, the interim US Co-Chair, Ambassador Richard...

Henry Kamens