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Mongolia: Headed for Integration

After the candidate from the opposition Democratic Party Khaltmaagiin Battulga secured his victory in the July presidential election, Mongolia began actively solving its stagnant economic and social issues. On September 7, the Mongolian State Great Khural dismissed the Cabinet...

Vladimir Odintsov

Austria: The Most Threatening of the Far Right Triumphs for Europe and the EU

In 1967 the actor Richard Harris played the lead in the film of the musical Camelot. He acted the part well, but his singing could best be described as "hopeful". In effect he spoke the lyrics on pitch, in a tone of trembling hysteria designed to...

Seth Ferris

USA Military Force Projection: Semper Paratus?

Since the inauguration of US President D. J. Trump in January 2017, along with his contingent of generals, Washington has rattled its nuclear and other military sabers in most every direction, threatening to totally destroy North Korea...

F. William Engdahl