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Why Iran's Maritime Ambitions Growing?

Many leading politicians, experts, and the media could no doubt not fail to notice that, almost from the first days of his stay at the White House, US President Donald Trump has methodically darkened the clouds over the skies of Iran. On 29 January...

Nina Lebedeva

Exporting "Information" Arms

Nations like Russia and China make billions of dollars a year in the arms industry. Their arming of other nations with the latest in defence technology is not only a means of supporting their respective economies, it also fits into a diplomatic and...

Joseph Thomas

Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen: Are Negotiations Being Considered?

From the moment that the Saudi-led onslaught against Yemen began, the USA has been solidly behind Riyadh. Yemen now faces a humanitarian crisis, yet the forces committed to sovereignty and economic development remain strong...

Caleb Maupin