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US Cuts Funds for Disarming Explosives It Dropped on Cambodia

In an article by Thai PBS titled, "US cuts 2018 funding for demining operations in Cambodia," it's revealed that next year's meager $2 million in US government funding for demining operations of US unexploded ordnance (UXO in...

Tony Cartalucci

The US Wants ‘Peace’, but Opposes Dialogue in Syria

While we often hear rhetorics about ‘no military solution’ to the Syrian conflict, and despite the fact that ISIS has been almost completely routed from the country, a viable political solution, one that may restore Syria to its pre-war...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Iran vs Israel: Things Went South

It's been noted time and time against that an abrupt increase in the level of tensions observed today in the Middle East can be attributed to the steps that Israel and Saudi Arabia have been taking. In addition to the uneasy situation with Lebanon, Tel-Aviv kicked...

Petr Lvov