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Saudi Arabia in the Grip of the ‘Frenemy’

Over 40 countries joined the Islamic Military Alliance, the creation of which was announced with fanfare by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman. This military alliance will become a ‘strong signal’ to terror organisations, which in recent years maintained...

Viktor Mikhin

With Everybody on the Winner's Side Syria Found Itself Over a Barrel

Unfortunately, the long awaited diplomatic breakthrough in the ongoing Syrian settlement process, which was discussed at the end of the last month by the leaders of Russia, Turkey and Iran in Sochi, failed to come to...

Petr Lvov

How Trade & Diplomacy Undoing the ‘Arab NATO’

The Saudi Arab led Islamic Military alliance had its first meeting in Riyadh on November 26, kicking-off Saudi Arabia’s larger ‘counter-terrorism’ agenda in the region. Despite Saudi Arabia’s repeated claims that this alliance isn’t against any particular country, the fact remains...

Salman Rafi Sheikh