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A Good Day for Mankind

Today is one rare day: Not only did a Democrat win a special election in Alabama, sparing the US the embarrassment of having to seat a child predator in the US Senate; despite Donald Trumps recent claim that talking to Rocket Man would be a waste of time, Rex Tillerson announced...

Deena Stryker

The Moment of Turkey’s ‘NATO Ex-communication’

While still a NATO member, Turkey has drifted away from the alliance to a great extent, indicating the way conflict in Syria has changed the Middle East’s geo-political landscape, and largely continues to. It is particularly the end-game in Syria that has now greatly...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Trump’s Decision on Jerusalem Demonstrated the Arabs’ Weakness

After the recent decision of Donald Trump to move the US embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, thus formally recognizing it as the capital of Israel, many expected a stormy reaction of the Arab and the Islamic world. However, nothing special happened. One...

Petr Lvov