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Syria Fights for Peace While China Invites the CIA into the Silk Road Project

The New Year holidays are over and all eyes are turned toward wondering what 2018 will bring us. As we look back over the last several early Januaries, we could not possibly have seen the major changes that were going to come, like...

Jim Dean

Relations Between North Korea and China at the End of 2017

While, at the end of 2017, we can see a relative warming in the relations between Beijing and Seoul, relations between Beijing and Pyongyang have also entered an interesting phase – a phase which could be described as a tactical cooling, although as yet it is not...

Konstantin Asmolov

The Rebellion: Ukraine’s Only Salvation

The junta currently in control of Ukraine is delighted U.S. President Donald Trump has become history’s most dangerous loose cannon. The oligarch controlled media in Kiev began churning out the propaganda right after Trump approved a plan to provide lethal defensive weapons...

Phil Butler