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On Japanese-South Korea Relations

From the world media reports dedicated to the situation on the Korean Peninsula, the wrong impression might be given, that the source of the "world evil", which is presented as the DPRK, is opposed by the military-political alliance composed of the United States, Japan, and...

Vladimir Terehov

Talks Between the Two Koreas: Olympic Background and Political Prospects

The author’s last article, on a rapproche- ment between the two Koreas, was completed just before the high level talks which took place on 9 January 2018 at the Panmunjon border point in the de-militarized zone. The last meeting at similar...

Konstantin Asmolov

Hold Your Applause for Trump Selling Snake Oil

When Donald J. Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the race for the U.S. presidency in 2016, about a billion-people pegged their hopes on the billionaire developer’s promises. Now, a little more than a year into his presidency, and those vested hopes...

Phil Butler