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No Taxpayers' Nickel is Spared in Washington's Military Adventures Worldwide

At the beginning of 2017, the chief of US Special Operations Command (SOCOM General Raymond Thomas while speaking in front of one of the Senate committees announced that...

Martin Berger

Why has the US ‘Changed Its Mind’ on North Korea?

Were we to believe the official, the Trumpian, narrative on the US’ change of attitude towards North Korea and how the US has embraced North-South talks, we would end up believing that the US president Trump was previously “too tough” on North Korea and that he has only...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Macedonia By Any Other Name – A New NATO Pigeon

NATO wants Macedonia in the fold of European nations arrayed against Washington’s perceived foes. But an old dispute in between that Balkans nation and neighboring Greece threatens the plan to further extend the alliance toward Russia’s borders. Macedonia being called Macedonia...

Phil Butler