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Cambodia is Turning Towards Russia

During the Soviet period the USSR cooperated actively with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN, supporting them in their struggles for independence and in their opposition to the policies of Western countries. Following the fall of the USSR and the end of...

Dmitry Bokarev

Proof of Past Promises Exhumed — But Not Reported

Currently, a movie featuring Meryl Streep recreates the dramatic events surrounding the publication, in 1971, of the Pentagon Papers, in a crowing salute to so-called freedom of the American press. Alas, the takeaway is that since the publication of these damning documents...

Deena Stryker

US – War Dog Wants to Bite, But What and How?

It could be truly comical, if it were not to be so dangerous for millions of people living all over the world. The Empire, once mighty, ruthless and frightening is now jumping around like a dog infected with rabies; it is salivating, barking loudly, its tale is stiff between...

Andre Vltchek