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Turkey Establishing Long-Sought US "Safe Haven" in Northern Syria

Turkey's recent incursion into northern Syria is poised to finally establish the long-sought after "buffer zone" or "safe haven" called for by US policymakers since as early as 2012. While the US and Turkey are currently feigning a diplomatic row...

Tony Cartalucci

Washington Quad Alliance Targets China

The pressure is escalating against the development of China as a global factor. At the same time the Pentagon released its 2018 US National Security Strategy paper explicitly targeting Russia and China as prime USA strategic threat overshadowing that from international...

F. William Engdahl

The Arab Spring has Come to an End Right Where it Started

The so-called Arab Spring, which began with the string of revolutionary events in Tunisia has now officially ended. It ended last month with Tunisia getting swept by a wave of new demonstrations, with thousands of people taking to the streets...

Vladimir Mashin