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No One Wants To Talk About It, But Lettergate “Rumbles On”

In a previous article I suggested that we may be at the beginning of a new scandal known as "Lettergate" which could be even greater than Watergate in the US.That particular story has died down, at least for now, as nothing more...

Seth Ferris

Who is Keeping the EU Hostage?

Speaking at the security conference in Munich, Trump's national security adviser, H.R. McMaster announced that “we will not allow Russia to hold the nations of Europe hostage.” Apparently, local media sources couldn't come up with anything more fresh that parroting him, unleashing...

Martin Berger

USA-DPRK: Will Informal Negotiations Have Official Continuation?

Many articles of the author concern the confrontation of the DPRK and the USA. However, we should not forget that there plenty supporters of a dialogue with the DPRK in USA, and, though stealthily, some measures have been taken in this respect...

Konstantin Asmolov