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Why is Syria Bleeding—Again?

There is a lot of vendetta in the mainstream western media when it comes to reporting on the war in Syria, on the ‘brutal’ destruction of Syria at the hands of its ‘dictator’ Bashar ul Assad and the support he is getting from his allies, Russia and Iran. One is almost taken away by...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Fake News Storm Clouds Gather Over Southeast Asia

From Cambodia to Thailand American and European media companies have launched a campaign of disinformation aimed at reversing Washington's waning influence in the region vis-à-vis not only Beijing, but the growing strength of nations the US and Europe once saw as mere geopolitical...

Joseph Thomas

The Skripal Incident-Another Anti-Russian Provocation

The British government is talking war with Russia over a mysterious incident that is claimed to have taken place on Sunday March 4, just a few kilometres from the secrecy shrouded British biological and chemical warfare research and development facility...

Christopher Black