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Is it Possible to Bring an End to the War in Yemen?

During last month’s Valdai forum – one of the most prestigious in Russia, involving respected experts from around the world – there was a discussion of how the Yemen crisis could be resolved. Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, took part in the forum, clearly defining...

Maxim Egorov

The Latent Objectives of Saudi Crown Prince’s Maiden Foreign Tour

Whereas the Saudi crown prince, Muhammad Bin Salman (MBS, ‘the modernizer’, has ostensibly set on his maiden foreign tour to attract investment and transfer of technology from foreign investors to make his vision 2030 a national and commercial success, it is just more than...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Teetering on the Edge of Nuclear War

This isn’t the first time. As this is written, the US, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, is bringing carrier battle groups into both the Red Sea and Mediterranean to attack both Syrian and Russian Forces inside Syria. According to a March 16, 2018 article in Israel’s...

Gordon Duff