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Got Troubles? Blame Them On “Think Tank Row” and Not Putin

What would happen if the people at Washington think tanks turned over a new leaf on Russia? I mean, did anyone ever practice objectivity in the globalist mania over Vladimir Putin? The Brookings Institute, supposedly inhabited by the biggest of the big brains in America cannot...

Phil Butler

Afghanistan: The US Diplomacy to Find New Allies

There is no gainsaying that Afghanistan’s road to peace after 17 years of war with the US is not going to be an easy one. For one thing, the war is not over yet. For another, the invader’s agenda is not finished yet, and therefore, it continues to use different means to deny peace...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Washington and Riyadh’s Terror Enterprise

For decades the United States and its NATO allies have helped Saudi Arabia export methods of political indoctrination known as Wahhabism to radicalize individuals and swell the ranks of mercenary forces used to wage proxy wars abroad and manipulate Western…
Tony Cartalucci