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Washington Has No Means for Attending its Goals in Syria

While the Trump administration and their allies, France and the UK, declared their ‘co-ordinated air strike’ on Syria a success, a “mission accomplished”, a closer look at the situation reveals that this strike, far from a success story, is no…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

India in Search for an Optimal Foreign Policy

As the NVO, a Russian weekly newspaper supplement to Nezavi- simaya Gazeta dedicated to military posture noted more than once, India is already one of the key global players and the question of its foreign policy vector becomes increasingly important...

Vladimir Terehov

Today’s Outlook: Global Annihilation, Grave Robbing, and More

A few days before the United States, Britain, and France wasted several hundred millions of dollars attacking Syria, a The Guardian report from Thomson Award-winning journalist, Martin Chulov assured us the now notorious White...

Phil Butler