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Bloomberg: “America’s New World Order is Officially Dead”

Hal Brands - the Henry Kissinger Distinguished Professor at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies and a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments - pines of waning American hegemony in his op-ed in Bloomberg titled, "America's…
Tony Cartalucci

Helsinki In a Nutshell

When US President Donald Trump and Russia’s Vladimir Putin met in Helsinki last week, western media had several field days creating tabloid headlines afterward. The resonating theme of the globalist media was focused on calling Trump a windup toy of the Russian president. But the world forgets...

Phil Butler

Trump-Putin Summit: What of the Deep-State Spoillers in Washington?

While the US president Donald Trump seemed willing enough during the historic Helsinki summit to mend US ties with Russia—and he did point his finger at Washington rather than Moscow for bad relations with Russia—it was evident even before the…
Salman Rafi Sheikh