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Why NATO Accepting Ukraine is a Bad Idea

It is a safe assumption that the major reason Ukraine is in its current predicament is due to Zelensky’s desire to become the new best friend of the US and its Western allies. Despite several warnings from the Kremlin to not bring NATO to Russia’s doorstep, Ukraine’s efforts to do just that were clear. Ukraine hosted military infrastructure which hosted Western troops, was working on NATO-linked navy bases in the Black Sea region, signed a US-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnerships, and was benefitting from US training programs for Ukrainian

Aleena Im

The role of Kazakhstan’s partnership with Russia in the realization of its socio-economic priorities, as outlined by K-J. Tokayev

On March 21, 2024, in a formal event held at Astana Square in Almaty, the President of Kazakhstan, Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, congratulated all Kazakhstanis on the holiday of Nauryz. In his speech in the square, the President announced four strategically important national development projects, the promotion of which he designated as a key socio-economic priority for the republic in 2024. These are the reconstruction and modernization of the country’s transport infrastructure and heat and power network…

Boris Kushhov

Iranian response to Israeli raids on its consulate in Damascus

After two weeks of the attack on its diplomatic representation in Syria by the Zionist State of Israel and in flagrant violation of the Vienna Conventions of 1961 and 1964 on diplomatic and consular relations (killing 13 people in the rank of guards of the Iranian revolution, diplomats, innocent women and children), the Islamic Republic of Iran responds with realism and reciprocity to the war entrepreneurs who, for decades, have been sowing terror and chaos on the Palestinian territory by killing all what moves…

Mohamed Lamine KABA