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A Look at Saudi Arabia: Barometer of World Evil

Saudi Arabia plays a huge role in today’s chaotic and crisis-riddled geo-policy. It’s a country that simply does not get enough attention in the press outside oil revenues. Here is a partial remedy to this unfair situation. Here’s a look at one of a major practitioner of global chaos...

Phil Butler

“Attempted Military Coup” in South Korea

At the beginning of July 2018, South Korea’s mainstream newspapers were full of headlines about an uncovered military coup as deviously planned as the military plots concocted by Park Chung-hee and Chun Doo-hwan. A whole group of high ranking military personnel, including Kim Kwang-jin...

Konstantin Asmolov

Liberals Leap to Defend Neo-Con Henchmen McFaul

Were one to read the Washington Post's article on a Russian proposal regarding the questioning of suspects in various, ongoing US and Russia investigations, they would have imagined former US ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul was about to be shipped…
Tony Cartalucci