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What is to Happen with Japan’s Plutonium Stock?

New Eastern Outlook has featured regular discussions on the topic that we can provisionally dub as “Japan’s issues with nuclear power”. There is a fairly reasonable explanation for this interest, as this country’s economy is practically the third largest in the world, and this...

Vladimir Terehov

America's War on Yemen Exposed

As atrocities and scandal begin to mount regarding the US-backed Saudi-led war on the impoverished nation of Yemen, the involvement and hypocrisy of the United States and other Western backers is coming to full light. Global condemnation of Saudi airstrikes on civilian targets...

Tony Cartalucci

Military Plot in South Korea: Mayhem in the Defense Intelligence Agency

We are continuing to follow the scandal linked to the attempted “military coup“. It is worth reminding the readers that, in essence, the events that transpired in March 2017 involved a detailed plan by the Defense Security Command (the name given to the defense intelligence agency...

Konstantin Asmolov