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How was Washington Planning to Prevail in Afghanistan, Anyhow?

00r960-e33a8ba664ea52d2d074b478b2f1e591Just the other day, US National Secu- rity Adviser John Bolton told Reuters that Russia got itself “stuck” in Syria. At the same time, this prominent Western war hawk deliberately omitted the fact that Russia’s armed forces entered

Martin Berger

Mahathir bin Mohamad Returns to Malaysian Leadership

New Eastern Outlook has already reported on the notable political event: the parliamentary elections that took place in Malaysia, in South East Asia (SEA on May 9 before. They resulted in the victory by the opposition, the Alliance of Hope, and the return to power of its leader...

Vladimir Terehov

The Real Dancing Bear

While the Western press was marking the fiftieth anniversary of the phony invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union, which lasted all of three days and caused no fatalities, the current president of Russia was waltzing at a country wedding with the Austrian Defense Minister. While...

Deena Stryker