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Korea: Preparations for Reunions of Divided Families

The latest reunion between members of divided Korean families, the 21st such meeting since the partition of Korea, took place on 20 August in the Kumgang Mountains. The history of these meetings goes back to 1971, when the South Korean Red Cross Society contacted its sister...

Konstantin Asmolov

Washington Post Covers Up US Meddling in Malaysia

The Washington Post has now repeatedly used its platform to systematically cover up extensive US political interference across Southeast Asia. Last month, the Washington Post attempted to deny US interference in Cambodia. Its article - however - did more to reveal…
Tony Cartalucci

Why Trump is Trying to Crush Turkey

The United States and Turkey, as of the second week of August 2018, are ready to break off diplomatic relations as a result of broad US sanctions on Turkey. However, not only is Turkey a full NATO member, an organization whose charter legally prohibits President Trump’s actions under its “mutual assistance” tenets, but Turkey...

Gordon Duff