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An Ever Increasing Number of Military Ships Arrives to the Eastern Mediterranean

The last couple weeks in the Eastern Mediterranean could remind a casual observer of some sort of a military parade, with members of the US-led coalition bringing an ever increasing number of military assets to the region. The number of warships flying various flags being...

Martin Berger

MH17: Some Truth Emerging at Last

On 17th of July 2014 Malaysia Airlines MH 17 was directed to vary its scheduled flight path flying over Ukraine en route to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam. Air traffic control ordered the playing to fly 200 km north of its original flight path. The new route took it directly over a war zone...

James ONeill

Korea: So Who's in Bad Faith Here?

In 1945, with the surrender of Japanwhich had occupied Korea during the second world war, the United Nations put that country under trusteeship. Much like what was happening in Germany, zones of occupation were allotted to the victors. In Germany there were four zones, the US and...

Deena Stryker