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The Real Cost of Food and Medicine in Africa - Everything Africans Own

What is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation really doing in Africa? A recent Goalkeepers report entitled “Is Poverty Inevitable” attracted my attention this week. With characteristic billionaire-level content writers in tow, the world’s most famous philanthropic couple publish...

Phil Butler

America Has Become Even More Dangerous

The confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh by the US Senate may seem unremarkable to the three dozen or so nations now targeted by US sanctions and impending “color revolutions.” The list has expanded, India, China and Russia of course, but in truth, there is no end to the list. The issue...

Gordon Duff

Pakistan After the US — Indian 2+2 Talks

The US — Indian negotiations held in New Delhi on September 6 this year with the participation of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Defence (in the so-called 2+2 format represent one of the most significant events of late in the region of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean...

Vladimir Terehov