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Upcoming Thai Elections Next Battlefield in US-China Power Game

Elections are set to be held sometime in early 2019 for the Southeast Asian Kingdom of Thailand. The nation has struggled with political instability since former police colonel-turned-billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra came to power in 2001. Two...

Joseph Thomas

The Latest Developments in Relations Between the USA and China

The change in the relationship between the two leading world powers (the USA and China is a key factor in the situation, not just in the Indo-Pacific, but in the world as a whole. The answer to the main question - the nature of that relationship in (at least the first half of...

Vladimir Terehov

Is there Any Sort of Peaceful Future for Afghanistan?

In early October, the world commemorated the 17th anniversary of American invasion of Afghanistan. As it's been pointed out by the Hill,it’s been a tragic failure from the get-go, but for reasons few people understand. Those countries that sent their troops in the early 2000s to...

Martin Berger