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US Dream of Eurasian Domination Through New ‘Containment Strategy’

While the US president’ s notion of “America first” would seem to indicate a scaling back of the US’ erstwhile policy of geo-political expansion into many different parts of the world, this is hardly the case. On the contrary, the old dream of dominating the world’s most energy rich region, Eurasia, continues to live on in...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Deepening Crisis of the West

2290006Almost every day, now, we are seeing new evidence of the increasingly serious problems and challenges faced by the West, and the very concept of “the West” as a united entity is increasingly open to discussion. The disputes between the USA and Europe have gone beyond trade wars, and are…

Veniamin Popov

INF Meltdown, America’s Doomsday Drone Force Revealed

America has developed a secret military capability using both existing drones such as the Global Hawk and Raptor and a newer class of stealth drones based on the RQ180 first seen when captured by Iran some years ago. This is important now with America announcing its withdrawal...

Gordon Duff