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Western Media “Discovers” Saudi Atrocities in Wake of Khashoggi Fallout

Nothing illustrates the cynical and deceitful nature of Western "journalism" better than the recent, apparent US-Saudi fallout in the wake of the alleged death of Washington Post Saudi correspondent, Jamal Khashoggi. Khashoggi allegedly disappeared and has been reported killed at…
Tony Cartalucci

Do Loan Sharks Run America?

Everyone knows America is bankrupt, $21 trillion in debt, adding a trillion a year to that figure under Trump’s voodoo economics. Yet, America is on not just a massive military buildup, but expanding its global military presence at levels not seen since the end of World War II. Is America controlled by an international cabal of “loan sharks?” Everyone knows America’s...

Gordon Duff

BRICS – A Future in Limbo?

Today it’s clear that fascist-turned Brazil is out - so we are at RICS. There is not much to argue about. The world’s fifth largest economy, Brazil, has failed and betrayed the concept of the BRICS and the world at large. Whether you consider South Africa as a valid member of the BRICS is also questionable. Much...

Peter Koenig