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A Particular Kind of Smoke has made British Politicians Blur-minded

A couple decades ago, the former Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, Harry Jacob Anslinger described marijuana as the most dangerous narcotic substance in the history of mankind. However, it seems that today both the US and the rest of the world pay no heed to the words...

Grete Mautner

America's Leadership and Authoritarianism

The uber-liberal Brookings Institute has just put forward a series of rationals for US world leadership which, in all logic, would force it to review its condemnation of domestic authoritarianism. Brookings claims that: The world needs a leader to undergird its security and its economic...

Deena Stryker

Japan’s Foreign Policy at Crossroads

It is worth noting at this point that the entire world order is at a crossroads nowadays, including its chief “architects” as is, unquestionably, Japan with its third largest economy in the world. Or fourth, if we view the European Union as a single player in Europe. Notably, in this post-Cold War era a nation’s economy size and its resilience play an almost decisive...

Vladimir Terehov