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ROK After Parliamentary Elections

South Korea’s parliamentary elections have resulted in the presidential-parliamentary confrontation remaining alive until the end of Yoon Suk-yeol’s presidency. The Conservatives failed to deprive the Democrats of the majority in the parliament while the Democrats did not manage to increase this majority to 2/3 in order to impeach the president. Nevertheless, the situation is generally perceived as a defeat for the Conservatives, because until the end of his term, President Yoon will have to deal with the parliament existing in the logic of factional struggle…

Konstantin Asmolov

Britain At War-The Final Warning

On May 26, 2023, I wrote an article titled, Britain At War-Provoking the Consequences, attempting to warn the people of Britain and the West that their role in the war against Russia makes them a direct party to the conflict and that, as a consequence, Russia has the right to attack them. It seems the warning has to be repeated because the British, along with the rest of the NATO alliance of aggression, have increased their direct role in the Ukraine conflict…

Christopher Black

The U.S. Is Heading Towards Even Greater Isolation in the World

Palestinian President M. Abbas announced the other day that he was reviewing relations with the U.S., given Washington’s veto of a Security Council Resolution that would have recommended granting Palestine full UN membership. It has become obvious to many that the Americans have never taken into account the interests of the Palestinian people when developing their policies. In fact, the goal of the American strategy has been to strengthen Israel. An ever-greater number of countries are abandoning the American military presence: recently, the authorities of the African state of Niger achieved the withdrawal of American troops from that country…

Veniamin Popov