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The U.S.: Student Unrest and Government Policies

The recent events unfolding in American universities have shocked people around the world who have watched peaceful student protesters being violently arrested, beaten and demonized by armed police, pro-Israel groups and authorities. Many members of American society, most notably professors, have strongly condemned the administration and law enforcement agencies for treating students as dangerous criminals, expressing shock and dismay at the unprecedented level of violence now taking place on the campuses of various universities in the so-called democratic United States…

Viktor Mikhin

Global Competition for Re-making the Middle East

Amongst the issues that Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza has exposed is the hollowness of the Western liberal ideas of free speech. That the collective West has no qualms about not waging wars is not a fresh revelation. At least ever since the end of the Second World War, the harbingers of liberalism have waged more wars – and killed more people – than those professing other ideologies and/or practising…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Apartheid to World! Washington’s Remaining Offer to Supremacist States

In the first week of May 2024, The US had to demonstrate to its chauvinistic allies that it can still lead them in running an apartheid global system where its camp operate above international law, while treating the rest as second-rate citizens. By April 30th and May 1st 2024, massive college protests spread across the US, where students demanded an end to Israeli genocide against Gaza (here, here and here), while…

Simon Chege Ndiritu