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Hillary Versus Tulsi

During the 2016 election, many who could not stomach either Hillary or Donald voted for the Green candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, who had been forced to wear a ‘crimson letter’ for sitting next to Russian President Putin at RT’s birthday dinner. This time around, Hillary is attacking progressive candidate Tulsi Gabbard, a representative from Hawaii who saw active duty in Afghanistan as a member...

Deena Stryker

Something Stinks in Syria’s Oil Fields

When the US “withdrew” from Syria, Donald Trump announced that he had secured Syria’s oil from ISIS and was protecting it. Further announcements indicated the US was leaving 500 troops there and would be moving in heavy armor, this being done well outside the purview of agreements with Russia and certainly in violation of Syria’s sovereignty...

Gordon Duff

US Tries to Reverse Syrian Fortunes with "Baghdadi Raid"

The Western media is reporting that US military forces have killed the supposed leader of the so-called "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria" (ISIS in Syria's northern governorate of Idlib. Newsweek in its article, "Trump Approves Special Ops Raid Targeting ISIS Leader Baghdadi, Military Says He's Dead," claimed: The United States military has conducted a special...

Tony Cartalucci