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Biden, The Killer President

On March 18th President Biden made the absurd accusation that President Putin is “a killer,” an insult not only to President Putin, but to all of Russia. On April 18, the Belarus KGB and Russian FSB revealed that they had exposed a plot, set in motion on Biden’s orders, to murder President Lukashenko of Belarus along with numerous officials, officers and family members, to stage a right wing coup...

Christopher Black

Everyone is Trying to Help Lebanon Out of the Political Crisis

In Lebanon, the political crisis associated with the inability to form a new government has kept the situation tense and complex. A number of countries have already joined in resolving it, knowing full well that the protracted Lebanese crisis has a very negative impact not only on the situation in this Middle Eastern country, but also on the...

Vladimir Platov

Will Conservatives Succeed or Fail After April Elections?

On 8 April, Moon Jae-in said the ruling party’s defeat was a “rebuke from the people” and pledged to discharge his duties “with an even greater sense of responsibility, focusing on meeting the desperate demands of the people”. As presidential spokesman Kang Min-seok said, “The president has pledged to spare no effort to realize the people’s desperate demands...

Konstantin Asmolov