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Who is Responsible for the Rise of Terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria?

The fact that the United States uses terrorist organizations as mercenaries to advance its national interests around the world has long been no secret. Initially, the US, through its intelligence services, used al-Qaeda fighters (banned in Russia to counter the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, destabilize the region, and overthrow...

Valery Kulikov

What Will Biden’s Attempts to Tame Riyadh Lead to?

Against the backdrop of the public flogging given by American President Biden to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Washington in recent weeks has actively sought to use Riyadh in a game with Iran to its own advantage. To ease its sanctions and develop contacts with Tehran, the White House gave appropriate instructions to its strategic partner Saudi Arabia...

Vladimir Platov

Will the US Really Withdraw its Military Assets from Afghanistan?

While the Joe Biden administration has confirmed a US withdrawal from Afghanistan with or without a political settlement between Kabul and the Taliban, the story that has started to unfold following Biden’s announcement shows that withdrawal isn’t after all going to be a straightforward pull out of all military resources currently deployed...

Salman Rafi Sheikh