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Is War between the US and China Inevitable?

These days, with tensions between the US and China escalating by day, it is not just the two countries that are considered the greatest threat to global peace. Some analysts believe that US-China relations are entering a period of conflict in which an established hegemon confronts an increasingly powerful adversary. According to a Gallup poll of US public opinion on foreign...

Vladimir Odintsov

US Congress Intensifies Attacks on China

In the last third of April, the US Congress once again marked itself with a series of anti-Chinese actions. We are talking about, above all (but not only, the bill with the telling title of Strategic Competition Act 2021, prepared by representatives of both parties in the US Senate, the highest legislative body. Let us note in advance the destructive role of Congress in recent US foreign...

Vladimir Terehov

US Ambassador Kelly Degnan Imposes External Control on Georgia

As part of the competitive struggle throughout the history of mankind, individual countries have already fallen under the external control of others, losing their sovereignty. This has been expressed since the controlling power unilaterally exerted a direct influence on the vassal state, prescribing certain managerial decisions to it, equivalent...

Vladimir Platov