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Krah, Le Pen, the «Chinese spy» and the stab in the back

With a discourse against immigration and war, the AfD is the big winner of the European elections in Germany, but this could turn against itself.

Ricardo Nuno Costa

On the eve of the Lebanese-Israeli bloodshed

Cross-border skirmishes between Israel and Hezbollah, last at war in 2006, have escalated recently and the Israeli military said that “plans of an offensive in Lebanon been approved and validated”. Earlier Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz warned that Hezbollah would be destroyed in a total war.

Viktor Mikhin

The Russia-North Korea Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

On June 19, 2024, Russia and North Korea signed a landmark defence agreement during President Vladimir Putin’s state visit to North Korea on the invitation of the Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un. The agreement was officially named as “Treaty on the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.” The contours of the agreement are yet to be published by both sides; however, it can be assessed that it could be like the Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Charter, which calls for mutual defence of the NATO members…

Simon Westwood