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Mali Presents the UN with Evidence of French Support of Terrorists

Recently, Radio RFI has announced that Malian authorities made accusations against France, citing a letter of Mali's Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop, that alleged that Paris was supplying terrorists with weapons and called for the convening of an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council. In his August 15 letter, Abdoulaye Diop...

Vladimir Danilov

On the Latest inter-Korean Escalation amid New Joint Military Exercises

Before the end of 2022 and especially before the beginning of autumn, the author expects a seasonal rise in tension on the Korean peninsula due to large-scale US and South Korean military exercises. From August 22 to 25, 2022, the 54th nation-wide Ulchi exercise will be held in the ROK. The Ministry of Security...

Konstantin Asmolov

Progress in JCPOA Talks has not Diminished the Number of Those Opposing It

The emergence of real signs of a possible settlement of the most acute crisis in the Middle East is linked to the possible signing of a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement on Iran's nuclear program, which is based on numerous compromises, could become a major victory for international...

Valery Kulikov