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US Military and Biological Activities in the Asian Region

In recent months, the media of various states have begun publishing more and more revelations about Washington’s aggressive policies, especially in the development and testing of bioweapons, which are banned by international conventions and humanitarian law. Frankly speaking, the fact that the United States is using such weapons...

Vladimir Platov

Washington’s Africa Strategy Seeks to Counter Russia and China

Geopolitical competition has no limits. This is especially the case when superpowers with global ambitions compete. As long as the competition is fair, it could drive development (although it might still have its socio-political and economic discontents). But when competition itself is projected as a phobia, it becomes more...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

30 Years of Diplomatic Relations between China and South Korea

August 24 marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and China. ROK President Yoon Suk-yeol and Chinese President Xi Jinping exchanged congratulatory letters on the occasion. The South Korean leader said in his letter that bilateral ties have developed in various fields over the past...

Konstantin Asmolov