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CICA on course to the establishment of the Asian Union

The sixth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) - an international forum uniting the states of the Asian continent with the mission of strengthening relations to ensure stability and security in the region - has ended in Astana. Official representatives of more than 30 states of the Asian...

Vladimir Odintsov

Germany is forced to give up its ambitions in Africa

The US and the former European metropolises - France, Britain and Germany - have made desperate efforts in recent years to maintain their neo-colonial positions on the African continent. After all, the Western bloc views Africa primarily from a military-geopolitical and resource-based perspective, with projected prospects for global development...

Vladimir Danilov

The Decision of OPEC+, the Anger of the USA and the Reactions of the Media in the Middle East

The enthusiasm of some Americans to punish Saudi Arabia for voting in favor of the OPEC+ decision to cut oil production by 2 million barrels on October 5 in Vienna seems similar to the excitement associated with sanctions against Russia over Ukraine, according to the Saudi newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat...

Yuriy Zinin