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What did Macron Tell Biden?

This is not how you treat allies’ was, as various media reports in the US and Europe show, the message that the French leader gave to the US President Joe Biden during the former’s recent visit to the US. The message is a continuation of the logic i.e., Europe’s growing discomfort with US geopolitics, that underpinned the German Chancellor’s recent visit to China, which he undertook...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

America’s B-21 Raider and Why the West Can’t “Spend” it’s way Out of Ukraine

US arms manufacturer Northrop Grumman recently unveiled its new stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider. Having not even flown yet and still facing an extensive critical design review, it won’t enter service any time in the immediate future. The B-21 Raider is estimated to cost around 753 million US dollars per aircraft - a significant sum...

Brian Berletic

Development of the Taiwan problem

Since NEO published its last article on this issue the most significant development in relation to the Taiwan problem has clearly been the local elections, with their unexpected results. In terms of their implications for Taiwan’s foreign policy, the most important aspect of the election results is that they raise the prospect of a potential change of government...

Vladimir Terehov