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How does Hanukkah in Israel end the year 2022?

In recent days, Israel has been the focus of widespread attention. This was not only due to the celebration by Jews of perhaps one of their most interesting festivals, Hanukkah, which is often translated as “sanctification” or “renewal.” Russian President Vladimir Putin was among those who congratulated the leader of Israel’s Likud party, Benjamin Netanyahu...

Vladimir Platov

Will Turkey go to war with Greece?

The media has recently been more frequently reporting on the deteriorating situation in the Eastern Mediterranean and the heightened warlike accusations made by Turkish and Greek officials. Moreover, the disputes between these states over the situation in the Aegean Sea are aggravated by outright incitement to conflict by several states in the region...

Vladimir Platov

First reaction to Japan’s new National Security Strategy

As previously reported in the NEO, a joint meeting of the leaders of the ruling parliamentary coalition (90% of which are members of the Liberal Democratic Party) on December 12 approved new draft versions of three documents concerning national security and military development in Japan. Of these, the basic document will be Japan’s second postwar National Security Strategy...

Vladimir Terehov