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The psychological war against African countries by the West will only accelerate the fall of the latter

As expected, the Western planetary minority is intensifying its attempts to exert psychological pressure on all countries and alliances belonging to the global majority to the maximum, trying with the last of its strength to snatch at least a small revenge and to at least partially reconcile the already massively lost positions. This is clearly visible today in many African countries, where the West continues to suffer new defeats. But the latter have still not realized that its own actions only accelerate the process of its ouster.

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Japanese Prime Minister at NATO’s anniversary summit and briefly in Germany

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s presence as a guest at the NATO anniversary summit in Washington on July 9-11, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the creation of the military-political alliance, as well as his stop in Germany on the way home, are noteworthy events.

Vladimir Terehov

Ignoring Washington, India Embraces Russia and Multipolarity

Despite Washington’s concerns – and even warnings of consequences – it has not been able to wean New Delhi away from Russia. Instead, India has decided to deepen its ties with Russia. On the one hand, India’s alliance with Russia not only allows the former to maintain a balance between Russia and the US, but an alliance with Russia also comes with another critical benefit. With Russia being a vocal supporter of multipolarity and India being an ambitious global player itself, a multipolar world is a system that can meaningfully accommodate India, the world’s most populous state now. This was most clearly evident during the recent visit of India’s Prime Minister Modi to Russia.

Salman Rafi Sheikh