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Spies & Their Pride - Sure They Carry Out Espionage Against Russia?

America’s CIA, the FBI, and other powerful agencies of the U.S. have been under fire recently for a range of questionable, even illegal, in some cases, being undertaken both inside and outside America’s borders. For example, the release of the so-called “Twitter files” seems to prove massive interference in social media from what’s come...

Phil Butler

Iran-US: the Future of Nuclear Negotiations

While Iran has repeatedly expressed its willingness to resume talks in Vienna on the continuation of the nuclear deal, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Joe Biden administration has virtually put those talks on hold. Undoubtedly, as many political analysts and experts say, this stoppage is a negotiating tactic on the part...

Viktor Mikhin

On developments in the IPR over the past year and Russia’s place there

This article offers the author’s perspective on some of the past year’s outcomes with regard to developments in the Indo-Pacific region (IPR). It is where the focus of the current phase of the “Great World Game” shifts irreversibly. But first, a few words about the term itself. The public introduction of its shortened version...

Vladimir Terehov